Volunteers are as valuable to nonprofit agencies as money. You don’t need money to be a philanthropist. If they have their act together, they are likely to cultivate you in return and try to engage you in the organization in other ways, which leads to a final point. No matter how much you donate, you have the right to communicate with that charity to ask them about their programs or for an annual report. This is a handy way to learn whether the foundation’s giving is simpatico with your own interests and, if you represent a nonprofit, whether your group matches their priorities and should apply for a grant. In fact, efficiently run groups often keep that percentage as low as 8-12 percent, which means the percentage they spend on actual programs to help their clients or community may be as high as 88-92 percent.įoundations are required to attach a list of the charities they have given grants to in that reporting year. Management and fundraising should not rise above 20 percent. On the IRS 990 form (section IX), charities must list their management, fundraising and program expenses. Guidestar allows you to search for non-profits and access their annual IRS forms. is an excellent online resource you can use to check on the fiscal integrity and funding priorities of organizations you want to support. Some donors prefer this route because it cuts out the “middleman,” reducing processing costs and maximizing the benefit to the targeted charity. In the absence of a workplace campaign, you can always contribute directly to a foundation or nonprofit whose work you like. Milwaukee’s Cream City Foundation and Madison’s New Harvest Foundation, which fund a variety of LGBT services, are members of Community Shares of Greater Milwaukee and Community Shares of Wisconsin, respectively. It’s a great way to double the impact of your donation. Some employers are willing to match your gift, so make sure you ask for any extra form that’s necessary to process that match. A “donors choice” option allows you to specify which group will be the recipient of your donation, although a minimum dollar amount or other criteria may be required. Workplace campaigns allow you to make a onetime donation or a continuing pledge that will be deducted from your paycheck and sent directly to the charitable campaign. Government employees have additional options. Since I work as a fundraiser and am painfully aware of how budget cuts are devastating human services, here’s a personal pitch along with some tips for being a smart, effective donor.įor those of us with jobs, the quickest way to give is to respond to the fall workplace giving campaigns of United Way and Community Shares that are sponsored by many employers. You don’t have to be a fat cat like Bill Gates to join one of the most admired fraternities around: philanthropists.