20 pts Run ping from a host to any other host using hX ping -c 5 hY. When you choose an interface to capture on, you should select any.h1 h2 h3s1 h4s2s3 h6h5 a. Note: When you run wireshark you should do so as sudo wireshark. Before that, update wireshark filter to ignore the echo-request/reply messages (. Run wireshark, and using the display filter, filter for of. I am also working on same anycodings_mininet staff. Ping command will be used to trigger the flow-table update OpenFlow messages. anycodings_mininet I hope it works if not you can extend anycodings_mininet the problem. In any case a more comprehensive summary anycodings_mininet of your network and a capture is needed. However my anycodings_mininet guesses are:Ģ) Your controller and mininet network anycodings_mininet connection is problematic.Chack if it anycodings_mininet says connected to controller when anycodings_mininet running mininet.ģ) Since you have a topology with just anycodings_mininet one switch, the controller that you are anycodings_mininet using does not send a lldp packet it anycodings_mininet discovers that single switch by HELLO anycodings_mininet and FEATURE_REQUEST/REPLY messsages and anycodings_mininet does not send any LLDP. Navigate to the Wireshark window, click Stop to stop the packet capture. But if you can not see this, anycodings_mininet maybe you can send your capture in zip anycodings_mininet format so that I can examine. If you are using the latest version of anycodings_mininet wireshark you can just filter lldp and anycodings_mininet the total count writes down in displayed anycodings_mininet packets.